Bill McGrath Shares Legal Expertise in Chicago's Daily Law Bulletin
Bill McGrath, a Davis McGrath LLC partner and founding member, has contributed to a variety of legal publications throughout his career. Bill's insights can be seen most frequently in Chicago's Daily Law Bulletin.
You can access a selection of his legal writings in our blog's archive. Popular articles include:
"Hall of Fame Cybersquatters End Up in Federal Court." (Jan 2011).
"Meet John Doe – Copyright Defendant." (Dec 2010).
"Regulation of Behavioral Advertising on the Internet." (Nov 2010).
"The Copyright Legacy of Learned Hand." (Oct 2010).
"Jury Awards of Statutory Damages." (Sept 2010).
"Trademark Dilution and Unicorns." (Aug 2010).
"YouTube Finds Safe Harbor from Copyright Claim." (Jul 2010).
"Pondering Trademark Genericide." (June 2010).
"Holden Caulfield and Copyright Injunctions." (May 2010).
"Moral Rights in the U.S." (Apr 2010).
"SCOTUS Tackles Copyright Registration." (Mar 2010).
"The Naked Truth about Trademarks and the First Amendment." (Feb 2010).
"Student's Fair Use Defense Falters in Music Copyright Case." (Jan 2010).
Visit our archive to search selected articles HERE.